Here is an archive of selected creative projects I've engaged in during 2021. From visual art to music to fashion and everything in between. Feel free to explore the page freely and get in touch if you have any questions or comments! Prints for much of my visual art work can be found at my next exhibition or order via my instagram page.
London, 2021, Ink print
Ink and oil on cartridge.
London, 2021, Postering with friends
London, Uk. Postering for my upcoming exhibition and my friend and fellow artist Kuda Mushangi's art event for charity, October 2021.

Sheffield , 2021, Ink print/ painting
"I made this for you"
Ink and acrylic on cartridge

Sheffield , 2021, Thesis Comic Strip

Digital artwork as part of my design thesis submission
Shows three typical users of the community centre
Sheffield , 2021, Photograph experiment

"Leaf me alone"
Bleach on original film photograph
Sheffield , 2021, Oil painting class
Domestika oil painting workshop
"I miss you dearly"
Oil on canvas board