2023 Jan- June
Here is an archive of selected creative projects I've engaged in during the first half od 2023. From visual art to music to fashion and everything in between. Feel free to explore the page freely and get in touch if you have any questions or comments! Prints for much of my visual art work can be found at my next exhibition or order via my instagram page.
“Heliantheae” London, 2023, Painting
60x80cm acrylic and ink on greyboard.
Exhibited at Pri's Art Salon's February 2023 event and Burst LDN's February 2023 exhibition.

“Highly Functioning” London, 2023, Painting
“Highly Functioning”,
60x80cm acrylic and ink on greyboard.
Exhibited at Pri's Art Salon's February 2023 event and Burst LDN's February 2023 exhibition.

London, 2023, Book Marks
Some book marks I designed using scanned sketches from my most recent sketch book. I sold them at the art fair I did in May.

“Date Me”, London, 2023, Painting
“Date Me”
Ink, graphite and acrylic on canvas board
Exhibited at Pri's Art Salon's February 2023 event and Burst LDN's February 2023 exhibition alongside two sister paintings.

“DBT”, London, 2023, Painting
Ink, graphite and acrylic on canvas board
Exhibited at Pri's Art Salon's February 2023 event and Burst LDN's February 2023 exhibition alongside two sister paintings.

“Practice”, London, 2023, Painting
Ink, graphite and acrylic on canvas board
Exhibited at Pri's Art Salon's February 2023 event and Burst LDN's February 2023 exhibition alongside two sister paintings.

“Shape Shifting” London, 2023, writing/ print illustration
“Shape shifting”
2xA4 hand typed/ illustrated/ printed.
Ink on cartridge.
Exhibited at Pri's Art Salon's February 2023 event and Burst LDN's February 2023 exhibition.